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Make Sure That The Packaging Products Survive In Wet Working Conditions

Packaging is a major factor that saves the products from various ecological conditions and also provides recognition and appearance to the products. Packaging of the product also helps to influence the customer’s buying behaviors. As the packaging affect the mind of the customers, it is mandatory for the manufacturers to understand the quality of the material they are using in producing packaging products. There are various properties that need to be considered thoroughly to measure the quality of the packaging products like compression strength, drop strength, water absorbent efficiency of the papers, bursting strength and many more. Out of these properties, ,measuring the water penetration ability of the packaging products is vital to measure various properties of the papers like porosity, sizing, etc. hence, it is an important factor that need to be examined carefully that helps to test the compatibility of the packaging products in adverse conditions. If a paper and cardboards absorb the quantity of water, it is considered for packaging purposes. This property of papers can be measured with the help of highly effective testing instrument “Cobb Sizing Tester”.

Cobb Sizing tester is the best testing machine that helps to evaluate the absorption and resilience property of treated and untreated papers, cardboards and other packaging materials under some determined conditions. The testing device is best to measure the water penetration efficiency of the packaging products in a particular period under some given conditions.

Presto Stantest offers a high quality of Cobb Sizing tester to measure the water absorption and resilience property of papers. The instrument complies with various national and international standards.

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